Energy Relief

Energy Relief for Your Home and Your Business

Solar Off-Eskom Systems

Off-Grid power sources are the current global trend since they are less harmful to the environment and less expensive than city power plants.

Power generated by photovoltaic solar panels or wind turbines is much less expensive and more dependable. Using the resources bestowed upon us at the birth of humanity has been our sustainable way of life. This energy may be stored in several ways, including hydroelectricity and battery technologies of the twenty-first century.

Useful Advice Off-Grid

There is no way to generate or destroy energy.
By definition, energy cannot be generated or destroyed; it can only be transformed from one condition to another. Energy has numerous forms, including heat, potential energy (batteries), kinetic energy (motion), electrical energy, solar energy, and one we have yet to comprehend: “Children’s energy” or “Youth” (nobody knows where it comes from).

Invert AI engineering

Since the modified or square wave inverters of the 1990s, inverters have gone a long way. The emergence of IGBT (Integrated bipolar transistor) technology has made it possible to generate calculated sine-waves from direct current (DC) power at sample speeds that baffle the human mind. Inverters are also capable of learning their use and adapting appropriately.

Latent energy

Latent energy is one of life’s fundamental facts that is often ignored. It is not always necessary to heat a house when it is chilly. Heat energy stored in the walls and floor may keep a home reasonably warm in the evening. A solar geyser with enough insulation will maintain its heat throughout the night. A well-insulated refrigerator or freezer will maintain its temperature for many hours. Using the definition of a battery as an example: “A sequence of cells meant to supply energy.”


Battery technology is a constantly changing sector! Since the automobile sector jumped on the bandwagon, battery technology has become a significant focus of renewable energy. Words such as “Super capacitors,” “Regenerative energy,” and “rapid charging” are idiomatic. The destruction of the environment seems to be the primary objective, since automobile emission standards forbid any vehicle from causing more harm than good. Daily advancements in battery technology notwithstanding, we are now in a highly advantageous position in terms of battery life, dependability, and cost. In ten years, we will be even better off than we are now. This does not imply that solar energy is not possible RIGHT NOW! In fact, now is perhaps the greatest moment to invest in off-grid living, since things will only continue to improve.

Battery Classes