Energy Relief

Energy Relief for Your Home and Your Business


Bioenergy is one of the many diversified energy alternatives accessible to suit our energy needs. It is a sort of renewable energy obtained from recently lived organic materials known as biomass, and it may be utilised to create transportation fuels, heat, electricity, and other things.

Advantages of a thriving bioenergy industry

Bioenergy that is abundant and renewable may contribute to a more secure, sustainable, and prosperous future by:

Providing homegrown sources of renewable energy
reducing reliance on imported resources
Creating employment in South Africa Revitalizing rural economies

One billion tonnes of organic material could:

Up to 180 billion litres of biofuels may be produced.
Produce 23 billion kg of biochemicals and bioproducts.
Produce 85 billion kilowatt-hours of energy to supply 7 million homes.
Employment contribution to the South African economy


Biomass is a sustainable energy resource generated from plant and algal components, such as:

Crop discards
Forest residues
Purpose-cultivated grasses
Woody power plants
Urban wood waste
Food loss
Biomass is a diverse form of renewable energy. It may be turned into liquid transportation fuels equal to those derived from fossil fuels, including gasoline, jet fuel, and diesel fuel. Bioenergy technologies provide the recycling of carbon from biomass and waste streams into low-emission fuels for automobiles, trucks, aeroplanes, and ships, bioproducts, and renewable energy.


Biomass is one kind of renewable resource that may be transformed into liquid transportation fuels known as biofuels. Biofuels include cellulosic ethanol, biodiesel, and renewable hydrocarbon “drop-in” fuels. Ethanol and biodiesel are the two most prevalent kinds of biofuels used today. Biofuels may be used in aircraft and the majority of road vehicles. Renewable fuels that are functionally equal to petroleum fuels reduce the carbon intensity of our automobiles and aircraft.


Using the same procedures as fossil fuels, biopower technologies transform renewable biomass into heat and electricity. There are three methods to extract the energy held in biomass to generate biopower: combustion, bacterial decomposition, and conversion to a gas or liquid fuel. Bioenergy may reduce the requirement for carbon-based fuels in power plants, hence reducing the carbon intensity of electricity production. Unlike certain sources of intermittent renewable energy, biopower may improve the flexibility and dependability of electricity production and the electric grid.

Non-food biomass examples that can be turned to biofuels and high-value goods include plastics, chemicals, and fertilisers.


Biomass is a flexible energy source, comparable to petroleum. In addition to serving as a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels in the production of bioproducts such as plastics, lubricants, and industrial chemicals, biomass may also be converted into biofuels for use in vehicles. Integrated biorefineries may generate bioproducts in addition to biofuels by imitating the conventional petroleum refinery design. This co-production technique provides a more efficient, cost-effective, and integrated way to using biomass resources in the United States. In addition to enhancing the economics of biorefinery operations and producing more cost-competitive biofuels, the revenue earned from bioproducts also provides additional value.