Energy Relief

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How to use your inverter batteries efficiently

In various regions of the globe, power outages have become a frequent occurrence. Despite the fact that power outages are a big nuisance for homes and businesses, they may also have negative effects on appliances and equipment linked to the main power source. Voltage fluctuations and frequent power outages are one of the leading causes of short circuiting in electronic equipment and may even cause their entire destruction. Inverters are no longer only a backup power source; they have become an absolute need. Maintaining the inverter’s efficiency is also essential, since ageing inverters lose their power capacity. The battery life of an inverter determines how long the inverter can power your appliances during a blackout.

Learn Your Batteries

Two basic kinds of inverter batteries exist. Tube batteries and flat grid batteries. As the activation ingredient is contained inside a circular tube, tubular batteries facilitate the passage of electrolytes. This helps prevent the battery’s temperature from rising when charging. In addition, the battery charges quicker and keeps its charge more effectively for longer, resulting in a longer battery life.

The activating agent in a conventional lead acid battery is put on a flat grid, leaving less room for electrolytes to flow. As a consequence, more heat is produced, charging takes significantly longer, and charge retention is not as effective as with tubular batteries.

A tubular battery’s typical inverter battery lifetime is 7-8 years, compared to merely 3-4 years for a flat grid battery. Always remember that the longer a battery is exposed to heat, the less efficient it becomes. It will also impair the inverter’s longevity and durability.

How to Extend the Life of Inverter Batteries

Do Not Overload: Use Only the Electronic Appliances You Actually Require
The fundamental purpose of an inverter is to supply backup power during a power outage so that we may continue with our daily activities without interruption. It will give backup for many hours. However, if you follow this easy tip, you will be able to gain more time and backup from your battery. During a blackout, just utilise the necessary electrical devices and unplug the rest. Despite the apparent simplicity and ease of this task, we often use more electronic gadgets than necessary during a power outage. This accelerates the discharge of the battery, resulting in a shorter battery backup endurance. Utilizing just the necessary devices will guarantee a longer battery life.

Utilize energy-saving devices to save energy

Utilizing energy-efficient equipment is still another excellent strategy to lengthen the battery’s backup time. LEDs are reported to utilise between 75 and 80 percent less power than CFLs, so replacing your CFL with an LED may be quite beneficial. Installing additional household appliances with a higher BEE Star (Bureau of Energy Efficiency) rating, such as refrigerators, air conditioners, ceiling fans, etc., is a fantastic way to save energy and money. The best energy-efficient appliances have a BEE Star rating between 3 and 5. The greater the number of stars, the more energy-efficient the device. Running these items on your inverter batteries will need far less energy than older appliances. A refrigerator with a 5-star energy rating, for instance, would use less power from your inverter than one with a 3- or 4-star rating.

Ensure Your Inverter Is in Top Condition

While the aforementioned steps can help you extract more power from your inverter battery, you must also ensure that your inverter is in excellent condition. Every 60 days, it is advised to check the water level. Always refill the batteries with distilled water, as it is devoid of contaminants. In addition, it is vital to periodically inspect the battery terminals and prevent corrosion or rust from occurring. Corrosion and rust impede the constant flow of current, which has a direct impact on battery performance and even decreases the battery’s total lifetime.

It is crucial to keep in mind that regardless of what you do, the efficiency of inverters will decline as they age, and there is nothing you can do to avoid this. We may enhance the battery life of the inverter by adhering to recommended practises and ensuring that the inverter is not misused or overloaded. It is also essential to choose an inverter that is more than capable of powering all the lights, fans, and other gadgets in your house, so that the battery is not too stressed.