Energy Relief

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Calculate Inverter backup time

The majority of people rely on inverters for continuous power supply for business and domestic tasks. No one has the time or patience to wait for the electricity to be restored to the grid since there is so much to accomplish. However, few individuals are able to determine UPS load and backup time. Rather of finding things out on their own, they frequently depend on the salesperson’s explanation.

Remember, however, that calculating the UPS/inverter battery backup duration is not rocket science. You just need knowledge of a few factors to proceed. The UPS backup time is dependent on the UPS’s power consumption, the load’s power, and the battery capacity.

When completely charged, you can generally anticipate your inverter battery to last between 5 and 10 hours. You may compute the exact battery backup duration using a simple formula or a battery backup calculator.

How to Determine Inverter Backup Battery Time?

The following simple formula may be used:

Time of Battery Backup (in Hours) = Battery Capacity (in Ah) X Input Voltage (V) / Total Load (in Watts)

Assume that your inverter battery has a capacity of 150 Ah and an input voltage of 12 V. You want to power three tube lights, two fans, and one Wi-Fi router using this battery. How long will your inverter’s battery backup last, and for how long will your appliances operate in this scenario? Let’s find out.

Considering your inputs, you may compute your overall load as follows:

40 multiplied by three equals 120 watts
2 fans = 75 x 2 = 150 Watts
1 Wi-Fi router equals 1 x 20 Watts, or 20 Watts.
Therefore, your total case load is 120 + 150 + 20 = 290 Watts.

Now, let’s apply all of these data to the aforementioned calculation for battery backup time.

Time Required for Backup (in Hours) = 150 x 12 / 290 = 6.2

Therefore, your inverter battery will last around 6,2 hours to power your essential appliances.

Battery Capacity and Inverter Backup Time: Does the inverter backup time rely on the battery capacity? Of course, it does!

Let us maintain all settings except the battery capacity. Now, let’s calculate the inverter backup time for batteries of both small and high capacity. A UPS backup calculator might also be useful.

If the capacity of the battery is 110Ah:

Time for Backup (in hours) = 110 x 12 / 290 = 4.5 hours
In this scenario, the inverter’s backup time is just 4.5 hours.

If the capacity of the battery is 220Ah:

Time for Backup (in Hours) = 220 x 12 / 290 = 9.1 Hours
In this circumstance, the inverter’s backup time will be around 9.1 hours.

Therefore, it is fair to infer that the capacity of your battery plays a crucial part in your inverter backup. Or, as the battery capacity increases, so does the inverter backup time.

The computation above is flawless on paper. However, in a real-world situation, the inverter’s efficiency has a significant impact on its backup time. The longer the battery backup duration, the more efficient the inverter.

How to Improve the Backup Time of Your Inverter’s Battery?

Follow the instructions below to guarantee long-lasting battery backup time during power outages:

Reduce the load to improve the backup time immediately. Less load translates to fewer appliances and more backup time.
You may invest in things manufactured by a reputable firm.

Final Thoughts: Hopefully, this article has simplified the calculation of UPS battery backup. Isn’t it a lot simpler than you anticipated? You shouldn’t trust what other people say about how long your inverter’s backup time is. You may calculate it yourself using the formula shown here.